State owned banks ready to synergize payment system

Dirut BTN Maryono, Dirut Bank Mandiri Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, Gubernur BI Agus Martowardojo, Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno, Dirut BRI Asmawi Syam, Dirut BNI Achmad Baiquni dan Dirut Telkom Alex J Sinaga berbincang sebelum melaksanakan MoU sinergi pembentukan pe
Red: Reiny Dwinanda

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - PT Bank BTN (Tbk), PT Bank Mandiri Tbk, PT Bank BNI Tbk, and PT Bank BRI Tbk will work together to ensure the success of the NPG, a national payment system supported by the Association of State-Owned Banks (Himbara).

"National Payment Getway (NPG) be a step forward for the state-owned banks to work together as a system of transactions valid nationally. It will ensure efficiency and cut down the enormous costs besides ensuring that people have access to better service," said Director of Bank BTN, Maryono, after signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Himbara with PT Telkom Indonesia, at the State-Owned Enterprises Ministry here on Friday.

Signed at a ceremony witnessed by Bank Indonesia Governor Agus DW Martowardojo and State Owned Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno, the MoU envisaged the formation of a principal company which will facilitate the process of switching transactions between state-owned banks.

Maryono added that Himbara agreed to synergize the payment system to improve the efficiency of banking transactions and the sovereignty of the payment system in Indonesia.

"The NPG is also as a form of synergy between state owned enterprises and state-owned banks, together with Telkom,," he said.

Establishment of the NPG ecosystem is a strategic initiative in aid of the government's futuristic vision of the Republic of Indonesia. While ensuring a sovereign independent Indonesia, it also pursues the mission of mutual cooperation and making the country competitive.

"The NPG system will make the state-owned banks very efficient," he said.

For customers, the formation of the NPG will make ATM transactions cheap, and will make the payment system infrastructure more efficient. It will also ensure better control over transactions and reduce reliance on foreign principals.

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