A youngster attack Catholic priest during Sunday service

Antara/Irsan Mulyadi
Anggota Brimob Polri melakukan penjagaan di halaman Gereja Katolik Stasi Santo Yosep pascaperistiwa teror bom di gereja tersebut di Medan, Sumatra Utara, Minggu (28/8).
Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati Red: Reiny Dwinanda

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- A priest, Albert S Pandiangan (60), become target of a youngster attack during his Sunday service at Stasi Santo Yosep Catholic Church, Medan, North Sumatra. The perpetrator later known carrying homemade low explosive bomb. The bomb failed to make any damage.

The perpetrator was sitting at the front row in church. A witness who sat next to him, Nana Manullang (23), saw the perpetrator assembling battery and pipe hidden in his gold jacket before the incident. "The perpetrator then stand from his seat and soon after that the witness heard a faint sound of explosion, like firecracker, that came from his backpack," North Sumatra Police spokesperson Sr. Comr. Rina Sari Ginting said on Sunday (28/8).

No major casualties occured in this suicide bombing attempt. Wounded by his own bomb, the perpetrator then ran to the altar with his axe and knife aiming at Father Albert, causing a minor wound in the priest left hand. "The congregation caught him and called the police," Rina said.

Medan Mayor Tengku Dzulmi Eldin has asked people to sort out wisely the information regarding the priest attack at Stasi Santo Yosep Church. "Do not draw conclusion based on unconfirmed information that spread through social media," Eldin said after visiting the crime scene.

So far, the police has identifed the perpetrator as IAH (18), a high school graduate lives in Medan Selayang. 

Red: Reiny Dwinanda 

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