On Brexit, Rizal Sukma: We respect their choice

Republika/ Tahta Aidilla
Rizal Sukma (illustration)
Rep: Maman Sudiaman Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian Ambassador to United Kingdom and Ireland Rizal Sukma said UK's decision to leave the European Union (EU) or commonly known as Brexit will not affect Indonesia-UK relations.

"The British people have spoken. We respect their choice. We will continue to follow the post-referendum developments closely," he said in his statement to Republika.co.id, Sunday (26/6).

He added, Indonesia believed that UK will continue to be an important international actor and a great partner to Indonesia and ASEAN.

"We look forward to strengthen our relations with the UK. Indonesia believes, Indonesia-UK relations will continue to be strong. We hope Britain's macroeconomic stability will quickly return," he said.

On recent Brexit referendum, 17 million people voted in favor of Britain revoking its membership of the EU, while 16 million others chose to side with the argument that the country must remain a part of the EU.

Following this referendum, Britain will have to bow out of the EU 43 years after it joined the group.

Britain has become the first country to leave in the 60 year long history of the European group.

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