Minister: Meranti district yet to receive rural development funds

Bambang Brodjonegoro
Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PEKANBARU -- Riau province's Meranti islands district has not received rural development funds from the central government due to the absence of the District Head Regulation (Perbup), according to Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro.

"Of all the ten districts in Riau province, only the Meranti islands district has not received the rural development funds because of no Perbup," the finance minister pointed out here on Tuesday.

Bambang stated that Riau province has ably channeled the rural development funds, and most of the districts have received them, except Meranti district.

He affirmed that the district will receive the funds once the Perbup has been issued.

The finance minister remarked that around 200 districts have not prepared the Perbup on the procedures to determine the amount of the funds required for each village.

Therefore, he has called on the district heads to immediately issue the regulation, as it will ensure accountability in financial management and technical implementation of the village program, besides helping the village officials in executing their tasks.


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