RSI in Gaza 97 percent done

Relawan MER-C dan para pekerja tengah melakukan pengecoran lantai tiga bangunan Rumah Sakit Indonesia (RSI) Gaza, di Jalur Gaza, Palestina, Selasa (20/3). (Doc MER-C)
Rep: Chairul Akhmad/Satya Festiani Red: Yeyen Rostiyani

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GAZA - The progress of the building of Indonesian Hospital (RSI) in Gaza, Palestine, reaches 97 percent. "Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah SWT," the Chairman of MER-C Gaza, Abdillah Onim, said on Wednesday. In his e-mail correspondent with Republika, Dillah said the progress of first stage was almost finished. The casting of the third story on Tuesday marked the accomplishment of first stage.

Happiness is obvious on the face of Indonesian activists, as their dreams come true. They have left Indonesia and their family for more than a year, to perform their duty to humanity in Gaza.

Dillah said, time had flown so fast since the idea first came out. Initially, he almost could not believe that all the dreams come true.

He also thanked Indonesian who has supported the construction of RSI Gaza by donating their money. With RSI, the name Indonesia is echoing in Gaza. RSI is the first building in Gaza that made from scratch since Israeli aggression on 2008-2009. 




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