The Greatest Sin and Its Explanation

Truly, those who are always there for you are the two parents.

Obedience to parents
Rep: Fuji E Permana Red: Erdy Nasrul

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Prophet Muhammad insists that denouncing parents is one of the greatest sins among the great. Allah also commands devotion to both parents after the command to worship Allah SWT.

Abdullah bin Amru bin Ash said that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “The greatest of the great sins is one who reproaches both his parents.”

It says, “O Messenger of Allah, how does one reproach both his parents?” The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Someone reproaches the father of another, then the other person reproaches his father, and someone reproaches the mother of another, and then the other person reproaches his mother.” (H.R. Imam Al-Bukhari and Muslim Imam)

Among the obligations of a Muslim in his morality is to give thanks and to repay the good with something similar or with a better one. Did you know? Who is more likely to be rewarded with kindness and more entitled to gratitude? They are the two parents who took care of you as a child and spent a successful time making you an eye-pleasing young man.

How often do both parents suffer because of your suffering? How tired do they feel to let you rest? How much do they have to stay up in front of you so that you can fall asleep? Truly, those who are always there for you are both parents.

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