Nothing is wrong with Tepuk Anak Saleh lyric: Minister

Republika/Yasin Habibi
Pre-school children. (Illustration)
Rep: Umi Nur Fadhilah, Fira Nursya'bani Red: Reiny Dwinanda

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Minister of Education and Culture Muhadjir Effendy stated that there is no problem with pre-school song lyric titled Tepuk Anak Saleh (Clapping Song of Faithful Children). 

He said that to comment on the statement of an official from Association of Early Childhood Educators and Education Personnel (Himpaudi) Banyumas who thaught the lyric has taught children to become intolerant. In the last part of the clapping song lyric stated 'Islam yes, kafir no'.

"The clapping song is for Muslim children themselves, it's ok," Muhajir said, in Ministry of Education and Culture, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday.

Also read: What's wrong with clapping song Tepuk Anak Saleh: Aisyiyah

He explained, the lyric could be problematic if children called other people as kafirs. So that, understandings are needed to be given by teachers to their pupils regarding the lyric.

"The important thing is kafir could not be dubbed to other people. It it was just to confince themselves that they are Islam, what's wrong with that," he said.

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