Perpetrator meet his dad, what did he say?

Antara/Septianda Perdana
Petugas kepolisian melakukan penjagaan di rumah Ivan Armadi Hasugian (18 tahun) pelaku teror bom Gereja Katolik Stasi Santo Yosep di Jalan Setiabudi Kelurahan Tanjung Sari Medan, Sumatera Utara, Senin (29/8).
Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati Red: Reiny Dwinanda

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- Father of perpetrator of attack the Stasi Santo Yosep Catholic church, S Makmur Hasugian, visited his son at Medan Police Station. Makmur felt so bad seeing IAH condition. “Last night I see him and I'm concerned about bruises on his body,” Makmur said on Tuesday (30/8).


Makmur spoke a lot with IAH about the attack. IAM told his dad he is only doing what he was ordered to. “Someone asked him to do it and promised him to fund whatever IAH need to fulfill the assignment,” Makmur said.


Makmur believed his son is not a perpetrator. He considered his son as a victim of irresponsible person. “IAH is still young. Someone has influenced him, taught him.”


Seeing his son condition, Makmur felt so down. He felt sorry for what happened back on Sunday (28/8) morning at the church. “I am his father, you know how I feel,” he said.


Since the incident, Makmur couldn't stop his eyes from watering. He couldn't believe he can't see his son doing his daily routine anymore. "Last night, I cried too. Every night I sit in the terrace, waiting for him to come back from salat Isya at the mosque.”


Indonesian Police said IAH was promised to recieve Rp 10 milion from stranger. The 18 years old high school graduate was asked to buy matches, cable, and gunpowder. He was then told to assemble the materials as an explosive.


IAH told the police he was inspired by France terror attack on November 13, 2015. IAH learnt from the internet to assemble homemade bomb. His experiment once failed and cause one of the bomb to explode at his bedroom. Neighbor thought the blast was a sound coming from a tire break.

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