PAN asks LGBT community to stop campaigning

Antara/Pandu Dewantara
Eddy Soeparno (m)
Rep: Aldian Wahyu Ramadhan Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community and the followers in Indonesia need to stop persuasive actions. The campaign that states their behavior is correct have to stop Secretary General DPP PAN Eddy Soeparno said.

Eddy also asks society to not discriminate LGBT group, moreover violence response to the group.

"However, they are children of the nation, although their sexual orientation not accordance with religious norm," said Eddy on Friday (26/2).

Eddy said, it is impossible Indonesia to legalize LGBT practice because against the religion and the social regulation of religious communities. The important thing is do not let this issue divide Indonesia nation.

The solution, according to Eddy, is an inclusive dialogue based on our value as a religious, healthy, and anti violence.

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