Police detain six Papuans for hoisting 'Morning Star'

Reuters/Muhammad Yamin
Supporters of the Free Papua Movement carry the Morning Star independence flag during a flag-raising ceremony in the district of Paniai Timur in Papua on October 17, 2008. (file photo)
Rep: Mutia Ramadhani Red: Yeyen Rostiyani

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAYAPURA - As Papuans celebrated the integration of Papua into Indonesia on Wednesday, police arrested six Papuan who raised the separatist flag, Morning Star, in Ibdi village, East Biak.

Papua Police chief spokesman Senior Commisioner I Gede Sumerta Jaya confirmed that he had secured six persons with initial name YW, YA, YB, OW, MG and GSY. "We had also confiscated the evidence, such as an airsoft gun, 39 rounds of ammunition, five blade machetes and seven arrows," he said on Wednesday. 

Sumerta added that police had issues a warning shot to force residents to stop the flag ceremony. Not only in Biak, flag-raising incident also occured in Timika and was foiled by Mimika Police.  However, overall situation in Papua now was reported safe and under control. 

In Sorong, the situation was relatively calm. The City Government has welcome proposal to mention Sorong as 'City of Unity in Diversity.' The mention will describe the diversity in Sorong, where different ethnic groups can live together in peace. 

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