Selasa 12 Dec 2017 14:15 WIB

Palestina Setelah Donald Trump





Di hadapan makam itu,

Seorang ibu memeluk pemuda.

Mengalir air mata ibu.

Hati teriris sembilu,

bersuara dalam bisu.

“Akankah aku kehilanganmu juga,


Tinggal kau tersisa.”


Ibu menatap banyak makam.

Anak sulung di makam sebelah kanan.

Suami di makam sebelah kiri.

Ayah di makam sebelah sana.

Kakek di makam sebelah sini.

Semua terbunuh.


Diciumnya makam suami.

Ya, Allah sungguh ku tak kuat.

Sudah kuberi semua.

Kami hanya ingin merdeka.


Itu makam

Hanya ingin katakan Tidak kepada penjajah.

sejak dulu kala.


Itu makan hanya ingin bebaskan tanah leluhur.

Kami hanya ingin merdeka.


Oh Palestina,

Kini tinggal satu anakku.

Harus kujalankan wasiat Ayahnya.

Berjuang membebaskanmu.

walau hilang nyawa.


Ibu peluk sang anak, lagi dan lagi.

satu yang tersisa.

Air mata deras mengalir

Menjadi samudera.

Tanah, batu, pohon, angin,

Ikut menangis.

Langit turunkan gerimis.




Sementara di ujung sana,

Dari ketinggian singasana,

penguasa berambut pirang

sendirian asyik masyuk di ruang.


Baginya, Palestina bola dunia.

Ia senang bermain.

Disundul- sundulnya bola dunia ke udara.

Bola turun, dilambungkannya dengan bahu.

Bola turun, dilambungkannya dengan telapak.

Badannya meliuk ke kanan,

meliuk ke kiri.

Oh asyiknya.


Tak ia peduli,

satu sundulan itu

Guncangkan Palestina.

Sekian nyawa terbunuh.

Ibu kehilangan suami.

Anak kehilangan ayah.

Suami kehilangan istri



bumi menangis,

tapi tak berdaya




Di seluruh kota

Luas itu berita

Jerusalem sepenuhnya untuk penjajah.

Penguasa berambut pirang

ingin membuat sejarah.

Melawan dunia.


Bagi ibu,

itu tak hanya berita.

Itu hanya tanda.

Ia akan kehilangan kembali putra,

satu yang tersisa.


Ia siapkan senjata

Sesuai pesan suami,

Sesuai pesan Ayah,

sesuai pesan kakek,

Sesuai pesan leluhur.

Keadilan harus tegak.

Makna di atas mati!


Versi Bahasa Inggris


Palestine After Donald Trump  

by Denny JA


In front of the grave,

A mother hugs her teen son

Tears flow from the mother’s eyes

My heart has been sliced in two

She whispers silently

“Will I lose you, too, my child?

You are all I have left.”


Mother stares at rows of graves.

Her eldest son lies in a grave to her right.

Her husband lies in a grave to her left.

Her father lies in a grave over there.

Her grandfather lies in a grave over here.

All had been killed.


She kissed the grave of her husband.

Oh, God, I truly lack the strength.

I have already given everything

We just want to be independent.


That grave

Just wanted to say No to the settlers

Over a long period of time.


This grave just wants to liberate the land of his forebears

We just want to be independent.


Oh, Palestine,

Now only one of my children remains.

I should fulfill the will of his father

To struggle to liberate you,

although at the expense of life.


Mother hugged her child, again and again,

the one that still remained.

Tears flowed in torrents

And became an ocean.

Land, stones, trees, wind

Wept with her.

The sky drizzled.




In the meantime, over there

From the height of his throne,

The ruler,

Stood alone, engrossed in his office


For him, Palestine is merely a globe

He has fun playing with.

He head-butts the globe high in the air.

The ball falls, he bounces it off his shoulder

The ball descends, he bounces with his heel.

His body twists to the right,

then twists to the left.

Oh, what fun it is.


He doesn’t care

That one of these head-butts

Has shaken Palestine.

So many lives have been lost

Mothers lost their husband.

Children lost their father.

Husbands lost their wife.

How unfortunate ,

the earth is crying

but is helpless


In every town

The news has spread

Jerusalem is completely for the colonists.

The imperialist-minded ruler

just wants to make history.

To oppose the world.

For this mother,

it is not just news.

It is only a sign.

She will lose another son,

the one that still remains.


She is preparing  the weapons

As instructed by her husband,

As instructed by her father,

As instructed by her grandfather,

As instructed by her ancestors.

Justice must be staunch.

Meaning must rise above death!


December, 2017



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