ASN zakat plan must not bring turmoil: Noor Achmad

ASN salary deduction for zakat only must be intended only to those who are obliged.

ROL/Havid Al Vizki
Deputy Chairman Commission VIII House of Representatives (DPR), Noor Achmad
Rep: Ali Mansur, Puti Almas Red: Reiny Dwinanda

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Deputy Chairman Commission VIII House of Representatives (DPR), Noor Achmad said the plan of 2,5 percent Muslim civil servants (ASN) salary dedecution for zakat (alms) should not bring turmoil. According to him, zakat is only intended for those who are obliged to pay zakat.

"We expect ASN salary deductions, as stipulated in Presidential regulation (Perpres) won't cause any turmoil in ASN environment and it must based on the terms and conditions of zakat itself," said Noor Achmad on Thursday (Feb 8).

Noor Achmad emphasized zakat distribution in Perpres should be ensured that the alms recipient and also the percentage. In addition, it must be arranged the party assigned to distribute zakat.

"It could be from National Alms Agency (Baznas) and Ministry of Religious Affairs, also people from Islamic mass organizations. It must be ensured that it won't use for the benefit of certain groups," Noor Achmad explained.

The government is currently preparing Perpres on alms for Muslim ASN. Every ASN who has objection to the alms may apply or submit the petition. "I hope we could summons the minister of Religious Affairs immediately to get a detail explanation," Noor Achmad said.

Previously, Ministry of Religious Affairs said alms potential from Muslim ASN could reach Rp 10 trillion per year. Based on data from Baznas, the potential of the alms even reach up to Rp 270 trillion.

Alms funds from Muslim ASN will be distributed to the public's good, in the social field, educational, health, and also natural disasters. The most importantly, the alms would not limit to the Muslims' interest.

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