Zika virus infects a child from Suku Anak Dalam

Bayi terpapar virus zika
Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati Red: Reiny Dwinanda

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Health Minister Nila F Moeloek has confirmed a number of Indonesians were found have been infected with Zika virus. Zika Virus transmitted to a child of Suku Anak Dalam in Jambi and tourist who traveled from abroad.

"I can’t say the number, there are only few people who have been infected. However, I have not receive complete reports," Nila said at the State Palace on Tuesday (30/8).

Nila said, Zika virus in Suku Anak Dalam discovered by researchers who did dengue fever observation. From the results of the study, they found several people had fever caused by Zika virus.

And tourists who reported have tested positive for the Zika virus were identified by health officials at the airport.

Travelers from abroad and come to Indonesia and getting fever are being treated by health officials to know the case. However, Nila ensured that travelers did not carry the virus from Brazil, a country with thousands of Zika cases.

According to Nila, the Health Ministry also conducted checks on a number of people who returned from Brazil. Test results did not indicate serious fever.


She believed that the case is actually not surprising due to mosquitoes that carry the zika virus is same species of dengue mosquito named Aedes Aegypti. Therefore, there is a possibility Zika virus also appeared in Indonesia.

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