Medan police says the priest attacker lips are injured

Antara/Irsan Mulyadi
Anggota Brimob Polri melakukan penjagaan di halaman Gereja Katolik Stasi Santo Yosep pascaperistiwa teror bom di gereja tersebut di Medan, Sumatra Utara, Minggu (28/8).
Red: Reiny Dwinanda

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN, Medan police chief Sr. Comr. Mardiaz Kusin Dwihananto said the police had arrested the attacker of Catholic priest Albert S Pandiangan. So far, the perpetrator, identified as IAH (18), confessed his action was ordered by a stranger whom he met at the street. No further information can be gained at this time.

The youngster was having trouble of speaking since his lips are injured during the failed suicide bombing at Stasi Santo Yosep Church, Sunday (28/8) morning. His face also wounded when the homemade low explosive bomb burst into flame rather than explode. “To dig more information, we have to wait a while until he gets better,” Mardiaz said.

Meanwhile, Mardiaz confirmed Father Albert was not badly injured as rumour said. Mardiaz urged people to stay calm. “Don't be provoked by the incident.”

Criminal law expert from Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) Prof Dr Syafaruddin SH, classify the incident as pretty well planned. The existance of knife, axe, and bag that filled with things suspected to be a homemade bomb confirmed it. Beside that, the perpetrator also act as if he was part of the congregation attending Sunday mass.

Syafaruddin thought the case was quite serious since it happened at religious institution, intended to kill the priest, and involed sharp objects and materials that suspected to be a bomb. Violated many rules, the perpetrator must be punished accordingly. “Until then, let the authority investigate the case,” he said. 

Red: Reiny Dwinanda

Sumber: Antara

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