TNI AU to improve air defense weapons

Republika/Wihdan H
Chief of Air Force Staff (KSAU), Marshal Agus Supriatna
Rep: C09 Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chief of Air Force Staff (KSAU), Marshal Agus Supriatna, said strategic plan in 2015-2019 of TNI AU (Air Force) was to focus on improvement of air defense. The air defense was done with repairing and purchasing new aircraft that are more qualified.

"I've made a study. The study was examined again at the TNI Headquarters. Then, it was submitted to Ministry of Defense and was approved by National Development Planning Agency. According to the plan, this year we will buy three new and complete aircraft," Agus said to, Wednesday (25/11).

At the beginning of the plan, TNI AU had proposed to purchase Viper F.16 and Sukhoi 35 aircraft. Both planes are considered to meet a high standard compared to the old aircraft.

Besides it is useful for fighting, the aircraft will also be used for emergency disaster management. However, finally, Ministry of Defense and Bappenas approved the purchase of three Sukhoi 35 aircraft.

Agus also had stressed to Ministry of Defense and Bappenas that TNI AU proposed for new and complete aircraft. This was because the new aircraft will be more profitable than if Indonesia had to buy dozens of planes without adequate specifications.

In addition to purchasing new aircraft, to improve air defense, TNI AU also would enhance ability of aircraft that are currently owned by Indonesia. One of them was an increase in the ability of T.50 and KT1 aircraft. The heavy transport aircraft would be able to bring at least 12 tons of water per 15 second.

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