Navy deploys a warship at Indonesia-Filiphina border area
Map of Indonesia (green) and the Philippines (orange)
Rep: Mutia Ramadhani Red: Yeyen Rostiyani

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA - Indonesian Navy deploys a warship, KRI Kerapu-812 to provide security in archipelagic sea lanes Indonesia III at the border region between Indonesia and Filiphina. KRI Kerapu will conduct operation of Arung Hiu 2013 about three months at the border area.

"Missions and special assignments are carried by KRI Kerapu, especially to prevent criminal act often occuring in the waters, such as smuggling of illegal goods, drugs, firearms and piracy," Commander of KRI Kerapu, Marine Maj Kusumo Atmojo said on Saturday.

The warship made by PT PAL Indonesia, a state owned ship building and engineering company, is also in charge of cracking down on various criminal acts and violations in other seas including illegal fishing and forest products smuggling. Deployment of warship to the border area has became a Navy assignment to support security in Indonesian waters, especially in eastern region. 



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