OIC enhances women role

Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Vice president, Boediono, opens the monisterial meeting of the Organization Cooperatioan Islam in Indonesia.
Rep: Satya Festiani/Afriza Hanifa Red: Yeyen Rostiyani

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu assured that women's rights must be fulfilled without anyone curbing their activity. Muslim countries are urged to provide wider opportunities for women. 

Ihsanoglu said on Tuesday in OIC Ministerial Conference that many countries still denied women’s rights and in the last seven years, OIC keep trying to handle such issues. Meanwhile Indonesian Vice President Boediono agreed by saying that Indonesia always supported OIC's struggle, including the issue of women and human rights. He said the progress of women role brought positive changes to people's welfare. 

Boediono asked OIC to play greater role on the women issue, such as supporting women to participate in economic development. He also recommended OIC to seek solution for Palestinian and Syrian women.

At the same event, Executive Director of UN Women, Michelle Bachelet, urged every country to involve women in government. She encouraged parliament to have at least 30 percent of women.

UN General Assembly issued a resolution on women participation last year. Thus, every country in the world has agreed to include more women in politics and democracy. Bachelet emphasized that women participation could enhance the economy of a country.

In Asia Pacific, women participation in economy yields 89 billion USD per year. Bachelet said that women potentially enhance economy through enterpreneurship.



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